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    How to buy OPEX Token and where to cash out it
    Detailed instructions for purchasing a token and how you can cash out the OPX Token.
    Opex is sold in all popular payment terminals, electronic wallets and exchange offices.
    1 Step
    On the terminal, select a cryptocurrency exchanger
    For Example
    2 Step
    Next, select the OPX cryptocurrency (at this stage you will be shown the current selling rate). Next click "Purchase"
    3 Step
    Enter the mobile phone number to which an SMS message with a receipt for Nut cryptocurrency will be sent.
    4 Step
    If you have not previously entered the specified phone number, you must fill in your personal information
    5 Step
    In the terminal, deposit cash (and if in your wallet, indicate the purchase amount) and click “Pay”
    1 Step
    On the terminal, select a cryptocurrency exchanger
    For Example
    2 Step
    Next, select the OPX cryptocurrency (at this stage you will be shown the current selling rate)
    3 Step
    Now click "Sale"
    4 Step
    Fill in your personal information (required only once)
    5 Step
    Then enter the check number in the “Issue Code” field and receive the funds.
    Download Full Instruction

    ATM map

    Find ATM locations easily with our ATM Map.